Wisconsin Mesothelioma Lawyers
Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that is caused by being exposed to the building material called asbestos. This cancer forms in the mesothelium, which is the name for cells that line and protect the internal organs. It is developed by breathing in the asbestos fibers and can take decades for the cancer to appear. If you have been exposed to asbestos and have developed Mesothelioma, contact a professional lawyer to represent you for a possible settlement.
70-80% of all cases are caused by workplace exposure, but some cases may be due to living or working in the buildings in which asbestos was used to construct. It has been found that there are many job sites in Madison where there was exposure to asbestos. Men are affected by mesothelioma more often than women, and risk increases with age. If you have a history of asbestos exposure, you should see your physician for regular screenings and contact a mesothelioma attorney to get compensation that you are entitled to.
This disease is known to remain inactive for decades before the victim has any symptoms, while some victims do not have any symptoms. Symptoms vary depending on the area the disease originates, including: pain, a loss of appetite, regular cough, shortness of breath, and feelings of fatigue. If the cancer spreads from its original location it is then known as advanced, and symptoms can include trouble swallowing and swelling in the face. If this has happened to you or a loved one, please contact a mesothelioma lawyer to seek the justice that you deserve.
Carlton H. Schuh Law Office, S.C.
Wisconsin Mesothelioma Attorney Carlton H. Schuh, S.C.
Habush Habush & Rottier S.C.
Wisconsin Mesothelioma Lawyers
Pasternak & Zirgibel, S.C.
Brookfield Mesothelioma Lawyers Pasternak & Zirgibel, S.C.
Quincey, Becker, Schuessler, Chase & Devitt S.C.
Beaver Dam, WI Mesothelioma Lawyers
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