Washington Mesothelioma Lawyers
Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium, a protective membrane that surrounds most of the internal organs. It is caused by exposure to asbestos. Once infected the cells that form the protective sac outside of the lungs, heart, and abdomen begin to break down. It is a fast-moving cancer, and medical treatment must be sought immediately. Then, contact a professional mesothelioma law office in Washington to represent you in court.
Most cases are advanced and the disease can be very difficult to diagnose because of the length of time it can take to progress. One could have been exposed to asbestos decades ago before the cancer takes hold and the symptoms become evident. If you have been affected by asbestos in your line of work, file a mesothelioma lawsuit in Washington for compensation.
The earliest known exposure was in the 1890’s and the companies continued using asbestos until 1970 but other buildings constructed before 1980 could still have evidence of asbestos, including homes. There is no connection between the amount of asbestos exposure and the diagnosis of mesothelioma, but an increased risk was originally found in construction and heating industries, mines and mills, and also shipyard workers. Olympia has a history of manufacturing and construction during a time when the products containing asbestos were often used. If you were exposed in this city, contact a mesothelioma lawyer.
Although this cancer is uncommon, it is no longer rare. There are more than 3,000 new cases reported each year; this being considered as a small number of patients, 60 people die as a result of mesothelioma each year. Contact a professional lawyer in Washington to represent you and get justice for you and your family.
Bergman Draper Oslund, PLLC
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