Nebraska Mesothelioma Lawyers
The sprawling state of Nebraska is home to many Mesothelioma attorneys that are skilled and experienced to handle these cases. There are many nuances to filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit, which go beyond the skills of a basic personal injury lawyer. So just as a person should seek a medical specialist to treat their condition, they should also get a specialist to handle their case.
Mesothelioma is a lung disease caused by exposure to asbestos. It is a terminal disease and one that overtakes a patient in a very short time once symptoms appear, such as bloody coughing, dizziness, fatigue, and pain in the chest. A person could have been around asbestos in the 1950s, and not until recently did the symptoms appear. But as mentioned, once they are evident the disease is fast-moving. One must visit a doctor as soon as possible for treatment, and then call a Mesothelioma attorney to file a case as quick as possible. There are many located in the metro areas of Omaha and Lincoln, and throughout the state.
Asbestos was used up until the 1970s in the manufacturing and construction industry. Plumbers, electricians and other unknowing craftspeople could have been unknowingly exposed to asbestos at no fault of their own. It was also used in the ship-building industry. But it is not limited to these industries, there are many other instances in which a person could have been exposed to the dangerous material. If you are one of these people, contact a doctor early to see if you have Mesothelioma.
A successful lawsuit can pay for medical costs, as well as pain and suffering associated with this terminal lung disease. Even the company or manufacturer responsible is out of business, there are trusts established to pay for future lawsuits. Contact a law firm today and seek justice.
The Law Office of Eric R. Chandler, P.C., L.L.O.
Omaha, Nebraska Mesothelioma Attorney
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