Montana Mesothelioma Lawyers
Mesothelioma is a deadly disease for which there is no cure. Modern medical advances allow for patients to prolong their life and ease the pain and suffering, but it is still terminal. This makes it important for any people suffering from this disease to seek legal representation from a qualified Mesothelioma attorney as soon as possible. There are several in Helena and throughout Montana.
Mesothelioma is caused by working around asbestos, or near materials that contained asbestos. Asbestos was a popular fire retardant material and it was used in ship-building primarily, but also in many construction materials that were used in office buildings, factories and other public places. Many people may have been unknowingly exposed to asbestos and now are developing the symptoms, which include coughing, bloody lung discharge, pain in the chest and dizziness. It can take years for the symptoms to appear.
Just as a patient should seek specialized treatment for their affliction, they should also seek a law firm that specializes in Mesothelioma cases. There are many nuances to a Mesothelioma lawsuit which a regular personal injury lawyer may not be aware. For instance, many companies and manufacturers that utilized asbestos are now out of business. They quit using it in the 1970s. These companies set up many trusts to pay victims expenses long into the future.
Finding a qualified Mesothelioma attorney in Montana is not difficult. However, if you do not find the lawyer you are looking for, there are law firms in other states which would file a lawsuit on your behalf. Contact one as soon as possible, so you can get the money and justice that you and your family deserve.
Rossbach Hart, P.C.
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