Minnesota Mesothelioma Lawyers
Asbestos was a popular fire-retardant material used in the manufacturing, shipping and construction industries for decades during the middle of the twentieth century. It was used in schools, offices, and prominently in ships. People that worked near materials which Asbestos was used to create, or in areas where those asbestos-filled materials were used, could develop Mesothelioma.
Minnesota has many personal injury lawyers, but you should search for one that has experience in handling Mesothelioma lawsuits. There are several located in the metro area of Minneapolis-St. Paul and other parts of the state. A specialized Mesothelioma attorney will know how to handle the lawsuit, because in many cases the company or manufacturer has long been out of business. They know that there are certain trusts created that are specifically designed to handle cases such as yours.
If you have been diagnosed with this lung cancer, it is imperative that you contact a law office to start your case right away. This is because Mesothelioma is a fast-acting cancer that overtakes a patient shortly after diagnoses. It sounds strange because it can take literally years for the disease symptoms to appear, long after the person has been around asbestos. But once it takes hold, the symptoms attack quickly and violently, causing bloody phlegm, shallow breathing, pain in the chest and dizziness, among others.
A successful lawsuit will help you pay for the mounting medical bills and costs associated with Mesothelioma, as well as the pain and suffering that you and your family are having to endure. There is no cure, but there are methods for prolonging one’s life or making the pain easier to bear. Contact a law office today, as you have no time to waste.
Bennerotte & Associates, PA
Eagan, MN Mesothelioma Lawyer
Shermoen & Jaksa, PLLP
Minnesota Mesothelioma Attorneys Shermoen & Jaksa, PLLP
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