Massachusetts Mesothelioma Lawyers
Asbestos exposure has been cited as the main cause of the fatal disease of the lungs known as Mesothelioma. Over 3000 people each year in the United States are diagnosed with this cancer, even though it may have been years since they were exposed to the deadly material. If you are suffering from this disease, contact a Mesothelioma lawyer right away. There are many of them located in Boston and throughout Massachusetts.
Mesothelioma is a fast-moving cancer once the symptoms are detected. Victims die shortly after they are diagnosed, even though they were around asbestos possibly years ago. It takes many years or even decades for Mesothelioma to incubate, and then when the symptoms appear the person dies soon thereafter. That’s why it is imperative to contact a law firm as soon as possible to file a lawsuit.
Symptoms include coughing up blood, bloody mucus, chest pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, lethargy, headaches and dizziness. If you have any of these symptoms contact a doctor immediately. Afterwards, get in touch with a Mesothelioma law office or attorney so they can seek justice on your behalf. They can get you a settlement to cover your medical costs and other pain and suffering associated with the disease.
It is best to contact a lawyer that has experience with Mesothelioma cases, rather than a regular personal injury lawyer. That’s because they will be able to get you the largest settlement possible due to their knowledge and past victories. There are special trusts established to handle lawsuits for victims from companies that are long gone and out of business. A specialized law firm will know who to contact and where to file suit. Don’t delay, it’s time for justice.
Altman & Altman LLP
Massachusetts Mesothelioma Lawyers
Coady Law
Boston, MA Mesothelioma Law Firm
d’Oliveira & Associates, P.C.
Massachusetts Mesothelioma Lawyer
Iannella & Mummolo
Boston Mesothelioma Lawyers Iannella & Mummolo
Kantrovitz & Associates, P.C.
Boston, MA Mesothelioma Lawyer
Law Office of Bernard J. Hamill
Massachusetts Mesothelioma Attorney Bernard J. Hamill
Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates
Boston Mesothelioma Lawyer
Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman, LLC
Boston Mesothelioma Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman, LLC
Rodman, Rodman & Sandman, P.C.
Malden, MA Mesothelioma Attorneys Rodman, Rodman & Sandman, P.C.
Sokolove Law, LLC
Wellesley Mesothelioma Attorneys
The Law Office of John J. Strazzulla
Massachusetts Mesothelioma Lawyer John J. Strazzulla
The Shepard Law Firm
Boston, Massachusetts Mesothelioma Law Firm
Thornton & Naumes
Massachusetts Mesothelioma Law Firm
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