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Mississippi Mesothelioma Lawyers

Mesothelioma is a fast-acting disease that attacks a person’s lungs and causes severe pain and shortness of breath. Bloody discharges from coughing can occur, as well as dizziness, fatigue, and chest pain. These symptoms are not to be taken lightly, and one should see a doctor right away. After that, contact a Mesothelioma law firm to file a lawsuit on your behalf. There are many law offices that handle these cases throughout Mississippi and the metropolitan area of Jackson.

This terminal lung disease is caused by exposure to asbestos, a popular flame-retardant material used in the manufacturing industry, and also by construction companies. These companies used asbestos-crafted materials in constructing schools, homes, offices, and other buildings, so many plumbers, electricians and other tradesmen were unknowingly exposed. Asbestos was also popular in the ship-building industry and on shipyards throughout the Southern states like Mississippi.

Many of these companies have gone out of business, but the devastating effects of their asbestos usage are still prevalent today. Nearly 3000 people are diagnosed with Mesothelioma each year in the USA. And though these companies may be gone, they have established trusts to settle future lawsuits. Therefore you should contact a Mesothelioma attorney at your earliest convenience so you can get justice. A successful settlement could pay for your medical bills and pain and suffering associated with the disease.

Mesothelioma can take years or decades to appear. So even if you were exposed to asbestos a long time ago, the symptoms could still appear. Get to a doctor if you feel any of the symptoms, and then contact a law firm that specializes in Mesothelioma cases so you can get the compensation you and your family deserve.

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Cumbest, Cumbest, Hunter & McCormick, P.A.

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Gilder & Howell, P.A.

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Gill, Ladner & Priest, PLLC

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